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6 tips on making Custom Clearance much easier

While the process of clearing a shipment through customs seems straightforward, it can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to export and import. However, the following tips will help make the process smoother and much more manageable:

  • Hire an experienced freight forwarding or carrier company. A carrier or freight forwarding company is the most important gift you can give yourself when you start your exporting business. The ease you will enjoy from having your exports handled by an experienced and reliable freight forwarding company is invaluable. By virtue of their experience, a professional freight forwarder knows everything there is to know about shipping and customs clearance procedures. This knowledge is priceless and will save you from lots of headaches.

  • Make sure that your paperwork is complete and 100% accurate. Incomplete paperwork or paperwork that has even the slightest mistake can be very costly to you. If there is a mistake in your paperwork or your papers are incomplete, the customs department will not clear your merchandise. Instead, it will remain in holding in customs, and you will have to pay holding charges. This is in addition to the fact that there will be delays in releasing your shipment, thus leading to missed delivery dates, causing your business more hassles. Thus, it would be best if you made sure to cross your t’s and dot your i’s with your paperwork. One way to do this is by tasking your freight forwarders or carrier with ensuring that nothing is left out in your paperwork.

  • Understand that your shipment will go through customs clearance in every country through which it goes. This understanding is valuable when you are deciding which freight you want to ship your cargo through. For example, if you choose air freight, your merchandise will only go through your destination country's customs, saving you lots of time.

  • Understand that international trade laws and regulations change frequently. The import-export market is a fluid one, with its laws constantly changing, so that it can be hard to keep track of things, and the process you followed in the past may not work the next time you use it. For this reason, you should stay abreast of trends in the import-export industry so that you will not be caught unawares.

  • Make sure that you pack your shipment correctly.It cannot be over-emphasized that you have to pack your shipment properly. Simply put, a properly packed shipment equals a faster customs clearance process. Aside from more rapid customs clearance, properly packed cargo will have fewer chances of getting messed up in transit. Also, when it gets to the receiving port, it will be easier to process the shipment if everything is in its proper place and not turned upside down.

  • Ensure that your documents are attached to your shipment in an easy-to-reach manner. If the paperwork regarding your documents is easy to reach, customs agents will not have to dig through the cargo to get them, and they will be able to clear your shipments faster.

Source: Alibaba

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